Don't miss our brilliant analysts Kate Bernstein and Anna Sarkisyan make their presentation "Strategic Uncertainty Management in 2023: Embracing Trends in Risk Modeling and Analysis in Portfolio Scenario Planning"
Strategic Uncertainty Management in 2023: Embracing Trends in Risk Modeling and Analysis in Portfolio Scenario Planning
Thursday, May 18, 11:25 AM ET
Kate Bernstein, Associate Quantitative Analyst, Captario
Anna Sarkisyan, Senior Analyst, Captario
We are constantly met with new risks, variability, and unmanaged uncertainty. The perpetual use of static modeling does not capture the landscape of events that may occur during your various clinical and commercial lifecycles. Captario SUM® captures the uncertainties that are pivotal to optimal decision-making in a dynamic fashion. This enables you to easily answer “what-if” questions revealing innovative and actionable insights throughout the value chain of your projects and portfolios.
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Join Captario at Bio-IT World in Boston on May 16-18! 🧬
Brooke Duffy, John McClure, Hampus Hallman, and Liz Koch will also be on the floor to answer questions and give you free stuff :)
We'll see you there!